Do you perform HPLC method development? Do you use UV-Vis spectra for analyte confirmation? Are you interested in peak purity? If so, then the PDA-100 high-resolution, 1024-element photodiode array (PDA) detector is the right choice. A broad spectral range from 190–800 nm is provided using two light sources—a deuterium lamp for the UV wavelengths and tungsten lamp for the visible wavelengths. Therefore, high sensitivity is provided over the entire spectral range combined with a 1-nm spectral resolution throughout this range. In addition, a very low average noise of less than ±10 µAU (water, 254 nm, 2-s rise time) and a very stable baseline drift of typically less than 100 µAU/h (water, 254 nm, 2-s rise time) makes the PDA-100 a high-end PDA ideally suited even for your highest demands in method development. The 1-nm spectral resolution even allows you to distinguish between closely related UV-Vis spectra. The multidimensional signal extraction option from the 3-D data makes detection wavelength optimization possible in only one chromatographic run.
 | Flexibility
The PDA-100 provides the flexibility you need to run many different HPLC applications under optimal conditions. Run samples with UV or visible light absorbing analytes without compromise, thanks to the high light sensitivity over the full spectral range. Choose between a stainless steel flow cell (13 µL, 10 mm) for classical HPLC applications and a PEEK flow cell (13 µL, 10 mm) for applications requiring stainless-steel-free components. Four analog outputs give you the flexibility to insert UV-Vis channels into other software packages. Even stand-alone operation without software control is provided using the four analog output channels. |
 | Easy Setup, Maintenance, and Validation
The PDA-100 stacks neatly in the Summit HPLC tower. The PDA-100 is equipped with a USB interface, making it simple to install and compatible with state-of-the-art communication interfaces. Control through USB provides for plug-and-play installation within minutes. Front access to prealigned cells and lamps simplifies routine maintenance and therefore minimizes instrument downtime. Summit System Wellness features, such as lamp age and lamp intensity, ensure you always use the PDA-100 under optimal conditions. Wavelength self-calibration with D2 lines and verification through a built-in holmium oxide filter ensures correct calibration of the PDA-100 to within ±1.0 mm. Powerful and easy to use, AutoQ TM validation routines allow for automated Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ) tests. OQ and PQ provide verification of wavelength accuracy, noise, drift, linearity, and lamp intensity. |
 | Fast Method Development and Reliable Analyte Quantification and Identification
It doesn’t matter whether your analytes absorb in the UV or visible wavelength range, the PDA-100 offers high sensitivity (two lamps) and high spectral resolution (1-nm) over the entire wavelength range from 190–800 nm. The 1-nm spectral resolution enables you to distinguish spectra even of closely related compounds. A high spectral resolution results usually in a lower sensitivity—but not with the PDA-100. Thanks to optimized optics, the PDA-100 ensures both highest sensitivity and 1-nm spectral resolution at the same time. Therefore, you save time since no optimization of resolution settings versus sensitivity is needed. The low average noise level (less than ±10 µAU; water, 254 nm, 2-s rise time), combined with high light intensity over the full spectral range, results in the low detection limits required for reliable quantification of trace-level compounds. The multidimensional signal extraction option from the 3-D data makes detection wavelength optimization possible in only one chromatographic run. The PDA-100 is operated using the Chromeleon® Chromatography Management System, which includes spectra library screening, peak purity analysis, multidimensional signal extraction, and multiple presentation options for easy method development and data presentation. |