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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA Database: Materials

The EVISA database on Materials contains information about Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), standard materials (for identification of compounds or calibration), sorbents and reagents used within the framework of speciation analysis.

You can search for a name of the material (e.g. BCR-462), for a keyword in the description of the material (e.g. sediment, for a producer (e.g. IRMM), for a material type (CRM, Standard, Sorbent, Reagent, for the phase of the material (solid, liquid, powder) and for the analytes (element, species) it is specified for.


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JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-141R - Trace elements in calcareous loam soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-142R - Light sandy soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-143R - Sewage sludge amended soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-277R - Estuarine Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-280R - Lake sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-320R - Channel Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-462 - Tributyltin and Dibutyltin in Coastal Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-483 - Extractable trace elements in sewage sludge amended soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-484 - Sewage Sludge amended (Terra Rossa) Soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-580 - Total and methylmercury in estuarine sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-646 Freshwater Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-667 - Estuarine Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-684 - River Sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-700 - Organic-rich soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - BCR-701 - Lake sediment

Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM) - ERM-CC018 Contaminated sandy soil

Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM) - ERM-CC020 - Trace elements in contaminated river sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-CC141 - Loam Soil

JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-CC580 -Total and methylmercury in estuarine sediment

JRC - Joint Research Centre - ERM-CC690 - Calcareous Soil

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