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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA Database: Materials

The EVISA database on Materials contains information about Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), standard materials (for identification of compounds or calibration), sorbents and reagents used within the framework of speciation analysis.

You can search for a name of the material (e.g. BCR-462), for a keyword in the description of the material (e.g. sediment, for a producer (e.g. IRMM), for a material type (CRM, Standard, Sorbent, Reagent, for the phase of the material (solid, liquid, powder) and for the analytes (element, species) it is specified for.


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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-392 Trace, Minor and Major Elements in Algae

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-405 - Trace Elements and Methylmercury in Estuarine Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-407 Trace elements and methylmercury in fish tissue

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-413 Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Algae

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-433 Trace Elements and Methylmercury in Marine Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-436 Trace Elements and Methylmercury in Tuna Fish Tissue Homogenate

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-436A Tuna Fish Flesh Homogenate

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-450 Platinum and trace elements in algae

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-452 , Biota, Scallop (Pecten maximus)

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-456 Coastal Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-457 Marine Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-458 Marine Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-461 - Clam (Gafrarium tumidum)

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-470 Oyster tissue

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-475 Coastal Sediment

IAEA - MEL International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA-476 Fish Homogenate

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-A-13 Trace elements in freeze dried animal blood

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-SL-1 Trace and Minor Elements in Lake Sediment

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-SL-3 Trace and Minor Elements in Lake Sediment

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA-V-10 Trace Elements in Hay Powder

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