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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Budapest, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Bethesda Children's Hospital and the KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute are privileged to host and organize the 8th ISMIBM in the year of 2004. This world congress is the continuation of the traditional biannual meetings organized by colleagues from Europe, America and Canada. The local organizing committee has the ambition to present a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary scientific highlights.

Date: 18.05.2004 - 23.05.2004
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Contact: Registration, accomodation and social programs

Mr. János Pusztai
Phone: +36 1 327-3000 ext. 2536

Mrs. Klára Papp
Phone: +36 1 327-3000 ext. 2538

1051 Budapest, Nádor St. 7.
Fax: +36 1 327-3000 ext.2539


Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄ismibm.selenium.hu

Objectives of the Symposium

  • Metal ions in environmental health: natural and antropogenic sources, hydrogeochemical aspects, bioavailability of metals and trace elements, gene expression of metal ions, ecological studies, metals and homeostasis.
  • Toxicological effects of metal ions in biological systems: epidemiology, pathology, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, environmental toxicology.
  • Metal ions and environmental factors induced diseases: occupational diseases, therapy, administrations, metal ions and oncology.
  • Advanced analytical methods, modern trends and new aspects of metal ion research in biomedical fields: speciation, quality assurance, reference materials.
  • Metal ion exposures, associated diseases in all kinds of organic systems.
  • Current topics on metal ion research in biology and medicine.
  • Assessment of trace element status in health, deficiencies, reproduction, aging, cardiovascular system.
  • Nutritional aspects of trace elements: advances, trends and future in nutrition research, food based dietary guidelines in specific population groups, fortification, supplementation, prevention of chronic diseases, health promotion.

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