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The multidisciplinary status of speciation, including the analytical challenges as well as the need of collaboration between different areas of knowledge, served as an incentive for the realization of the 1st Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Speciation (EspeQBrasil-2008). Thus, it is with great satisfaction that we announce the second Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Speciation (EspeQBrasil-2010).

Date: 12.12.2010 - 15.12.2010
National/International: International
Language: Portuguese, English
Type: Conference
Location: São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil
Contact: espeqbrasil@iqm.unicamp.br
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.espeqbrasil.iqm.unicamp.br

In spite of recent advances in instrumentation, methods, standardization, validation, among others, various important problems of speciation analysis  have not yet been resolved and various questions still need answers. For example, several analytical techniques already permit a trustworthy identification of the species. However, the effects of the matrix, and low concentrations and/or instability of the species still limit the application of these techniques in many cases. How research on analytical speciation can assist applied research in resolving problems in the areas of the life sciences and in industry will also be one of the central topics to be discussed. Thus we invite all the community involved with this subject to participate and to reflect on Speciation: a bridge between fundamental research and applied research at EspeQBrasil-2010.

The main themes of the meting are:
  1. Speciation in the environment
  2. Speciation and toxicology/Ecotoxicology
  3. Mechanisms of speciation
  4. Speciation and legislation
  5. Sampling and sample preparation
  6. Quality control
  7. Chromatographic and non-chromatographic separation based techniques
  8. Analytical techniques for measuring complex species in environmental and biological samples


September 26,2010of abstract for oral or poster presentations
October 24,2010Notification of acceptance
October 24,2010Early registration at reduced fee

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