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Voltammetry is a common name for a large group of instrumental techniques which are based on measuring the electric current formed by a continuous potential shifting on the electrodes. The potential of the working electrode is controlled (typically with a potentiostat) and the current flowing through the electrode is measured. In one of the most common applications of the technique, the potential is scanned linearly in time; this is called the "linear-sweep voltammetry," "LSV," or "LV." "Cyclic voltammetry (CV)" is a linear-sweep voltammetry with the scan continued in the reverse direction at the end of the first scan, this cycle can be repeated a number of times.

This electrochemical measuring technique can be used for the determination of the kinetics and mechanism of electrode reactions (redox reactions of extremely small amounts of chemicals) and for electrochemical analysis used to quantify the involved species.

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