Arsenic species in rice: Call for analytical laboratories
The Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) is looking for analytical laboratories which can quantify arsenic species in rice.
The European Commission's JRC-IRMM is planning a certification campaign for total arsenic and arsenic species in rice. For this reason IRMM is looking for labs which can quantify total arsenic, arsenite/arsenate (sum) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in rice using techniques other than ICP-MS or LC/ICP-MS for arsenic speciation analysis. The concentration ranges are as followed: - Total arsenic (50-500 ng/g)
- Arsenite and arsenate (sum; 50-300 ng/g)
- DMA (50-300 ng/g)
In order to ensure high quality data validated methods, a quality system and/or accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 is mandatory. If you are interested please contact: Dr. Jens Boertz European Commission - Joint Research Centre Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) Reference Materials Unit Retieseweg 111 B-2440 Geel (Belgium) Phone: +32-(0)14-57 3005 E-mail: Related EVISA Resources Brief summary: Certified Reference Materials for Speciation Analysis Brief summary: Certified reference materials for arsenic in marine animal tissues Brief summary: Certified Reference Materials for Arsenic in Biological Materials Company Database: IRMM and its products Material Database: CRMs for the analysis of rice Material Database: CRMs certifying the content of total arsenic Material Database: CRMs certifying the content of arsenobetaine Material Database: CRMs certifying the content of DMAA Related EVISA News August 2, 2010: Gut bacteria transform inorganic arsenate leading to more toxic arsenic species May 19, 2010: China: Inorganic Arsenic in Rice - An Underestimated Health Threat ? March 9, 2010: CEN calls for the development of standardised methods for the analysis of metal species in food February 23, 2010: Accumulation or production of arsenobetaine in humans? February 23, 2010: US EPA opens inorganic arsenic cancer assessment for public review December 4, 2009: EFSA: Scientific Opinion on Arsenic in Food May 26, 2009: UK Food Standards Agency releases research on arsenic in rice milk January 31, 2009: Using the right recipe for cooking rice reduces toxic inorganic arsenic content November 11, 2008: EFSA calls for data on arsenic levels in food and water July 18, 2008: Experts detail how rice absorbs arsenic from the soil March 15, 2008: Arsenic in rice milk exceeds EU and US drinking water standards February 15, 2008: Arsenic speciation in rice: a question of the rice plant species March 7, 2007: Elevated Arsenic Levels Found In Rice Grown In South Central States of the USA August 3, 2005: Surprisingly high concentrations of toxic arsenic species found in U.S. rice
last time modified: May 17, 2024