Call for help: ISO/DIN Project: Standard method for arsenic speciation analysis using HPLC-ICP-MS
Currently, ISO is working on a standard method for the determination of arsenic species (As(III), As(VB), MMA, DMA) by HPLC-ICP-MS. German DIN working groups look for help to support this project.
The German DIN working group NA 119-01-03-01-12 AK „Ionenchromatographische Verfahren“, in cooperation with the groups NA 119-01-03-01-11 AK „Atomspektrometrische Verfahren und Mineralisierung“ and NA 119-01-03 AA „Wasseruntersuchung“ as part of the "Normenausschuss Wasserwesen (NAW)" will support the development of a standard method for arsenic speciation analysis with scientific advice during method development and validation. The working group is searching for colleagues with experience in hyphenated techniques for speciation analysis that are willing to participate in this work. Interested parties should contact: DIN - Normenausschuss Wasserwesen (NAW) Silvia Sandner (Projektassistentin) Burggrafenstr. 6 10787 Berlin E-Mail: Internet: Internet: Related EVISA Resources
Brief summary: LC-ICP-MS - The most often used hyphenated system for speciation analysis Brief summary: Standard methods for arsenic speciation analysis
Brief summary: Chemical speciation analysis for nutrition and food science
Link database: Arsenic species and human health/nutrition/metabolism
Link database: Toxicity of arsenic species
Material database: Reference materials for arsenic speciationlast time modified: August 13, 2015