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Mercury Containing Preservative Alters Immune Function
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-07 / Rating: 8.758 )

World Health Organization Fails In Its Effort To Defend Mercury In Vaccines Before United Nations
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 8.722 )

Researchers Urge the Removal of Mercury From Flu Shots
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-19 / Rating: 8.709 )

WHO worries mercury treaty could affect costs and availability of vaccines
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 8.704 )

Vaccine ingredient causes brain damage; some nutrients prevent it
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 8.613 )

Unused swine flu vaccine turns into hazardous waste
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 7.199 )

New study will investigate the influence of environmental factors in autism
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-25 / Rating: 7.171 )

American lawmakers initiate mercury probe for vaccines
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-07 / Rating: 7.141 )

Global policy on the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccine called discriminatory
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 7.140 )

UNEP Global Mercury Treaty May Include Ban on Mercury in Medicine
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-19 / Rating: 7.140 )

FDA Will Review Toxic Tattoo Chemicals
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-23 / Rating: 7.127 )

Researcher Behind CDC Vaccine Safety Claims Disappears with $2M
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 7.110 )

CDC's Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal
  (Last Mod.:2018-07-07 / Rating: 7.100 )

Huge field experiment for assessing human ethylmercury risk starting in October
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-21 / Rating: 7.069 )

Thiomersal in influenza vaccine: more than just an adjuvant
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-27 / Rating: 7.048 )

Uptake of mercury species by fruit flies
  (Last Mod.:2020-07-22 / Rating: 7.021 )

Toxicity of organomercury compounds
  (Last Mod.:2020-07-22 / Rating: 6.883 )

Certified reference materials for mercury in biological materials
  (Last Mod.:2014-03-29 / Rating: 5.071 )

Inorganic Mercury Level in US Women increases
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-21 / Rating: 5.067 )

Texas Study Relates Autism to Environmental Mercury
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-07 / Rating: 5.047 )

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