EVISA's Link Database informs about the different aspects of research related to speciation:
- Funding
- Projects
- Research groups
- Results from speciation analytical research
- Training and education
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The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) is the central, self-governing research funding organisation that promotes research at universities and other publicly financed researc...
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships are individual fellowships that aim at
providing advanced training tailored to the researchers\' individual needs with a
view to adding different/complemen...
Supports fundamental chemical research directed toward the characterization
and analysis of all forms of matter. Studies of elemental and molecular
composition and of the microstructure ...
SYNOPSISSupports research on
the synthesis, properties, and reaction mechanisms of molecules composed of
metals, metalloids, and nonmetals with elements covering the entire periodic
table. Inclu...
Project Description
Abstract / Project Outlining The main objective of this project is to improve the scientific basis for performance and safety assessment of various waste management strategies. The goal is to prov...
SummaryAntifouling paints are applied on the hulls of ships and boats to control the growth of fouling organisms and reduce their deleterious effects such as slowing of the ship speed, increase in fue...
This study is currently recruiting patients.Verified by Alberta Cancer Board February 2006Sponsored by:Alberta Cancer BoardInformation provided by:Alberta Cancer BoardClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT...
CODA-CERVA is the Belgian National Reference laboratory (NRL) for the determination of trace elements in food and animal feed. The major route of cadmium intake by non-smokers is through the ing...
CODA-CERVA is the Belgian National Reference laboratory (NRL) for the determination of trace elements in food and animal feed. Adults and older children are mainly exposed to lead by its content in fo...
CODA-CERVA is the Belgian National Reference laboratory (NRL) for the determination of trace elements in food and animal feed. Nonoccupational sources of exposure to mercury include food (methylmercur...
COMERN is a pan-Canadian research network based at Université du Québec à Montréal and established in 2001 through the financial support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Can...
Develop robust multi-element methods and quality control materials
(focusing on Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mg, Ca, and P) using ICP-AES and ICP-MS;
2) Develop methods and quality control materials for ultratra...
Project Number: 1235-52000-046-00Project Type: Appropriated Project Team: Jim HarnlyStart Date: Feb 22, 2004End Date: Feb 21, 2009 Objective:1) Develop robust multi-element methods and quality control...
Keywords: PVC Waste, Risk Assessment, Landfill leachate, Organotin Compounds...
Most knowledge of the biogeochemistry, food chain transport, bioaccumulation, toxicity, and aquatic ecosystem effects of selenium derives from research conducted in reservoirs and lakes (lentic system...
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