Instrument Database:
Bruker Daltonics - micrOTOF - benchtop ESI-TOF MS

Year of introduction |
2003 |
Status |
historical ( out of sale ) |
Company |
Bruker Daltonics
Categories |
Hyphenated Techniques: LC-MS Mass spectrometer: ESI-MS Mass spectrometer: LC-MS |
The micrOTOF™ provides powerful exact mass measurements in an easy-to-use benchtop package. Featuring excellent mass resolution and mass accuracy in combination with true isotopic pattern, micrOTOF is the perfect choice for straight-forward formula determination of small molecules, quality control of intact proteins, and metabolic studies.
Superior mass accuracy Superior mass performance characteristics are achieved by combining Bruker Daltonics’ successful time-of-flight (TOF) technology with innovative detection technologies. The micrOTOF shows a mass accuracy of better than 3 ppm without sacrificing resolution or sensitivity. A mass accuracy of better than 5 ppm can be achieved with external calibration without any suppression effects of calibrants and while maintaining the high duty cycle.
TIP™ – True Isotopic Pattern with sigma fit algorithm Replacing the former approach of just using the measured mass for formula determination, the micrOTOF adds a second dimension into the routine: Analysis of the isotope profile provides the so-called “True Isotopic Pattern” (TIP) which is matched against the measured spectrum – leading to results with significantly increased confidence.
Unsurpassed resolution Featuring a mass resolution exceeding 10,000 FWHM (exceeding 15,000 with micrOTOF focus), the micrOTOF defines the new standard in ESI-TOF mass spectrometry. True isotopic resolution can be observed even for deconvoluted spectra at high resolution. The simulated pattern fits perfectly to the measured results.
Wide range mass accuracy The micrOTOF knows how to impress with an excellent stability of the mass measurement over a wide dynamic range without tedious recalibration routines:
- An advanced temperature stabilization keeps the mass position stable for hours without the need of time-consuming recalibration procedures.
- The mass accuracy with external calibration stays stable even with significantly variations in sample concentration.
Powerful software environment The Compass software environment handles all aspects of system control and data handling with an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). The LC/MS workflow can be fully automated with a simple method approach. Compass integrates the micrOTOF with all popular HPLC and nanoLC systems to match your separation needs. The micrOTOF system can be adapted to an “Open Access Environment” covering typical aspects of multiple users with various samples.
The formula machine With the micrOTOF, straight-forward formula determination and confirmation is only a mouse-click away. The GenerateFormula tool lists and rates possible formulas consistent with the mass measurement. Furthermore, the true isotopic pattern (TIP) is used for significantly increased specificity: If the given mass accuracy leads to multiple possible answers, the TIP adds a second dimension to the analysis, since most wrong hits can be excluded due to differences in the isotopic patterns.
Metabolic Profiler The micrOTOF is the core of the Metabolic Profiler solution for metabolism studies and analysis of complex mixtures.
Analysis of intact proteins and other large molecules The sensitive detection and accurate mass determination of intact proteins is a challenge readily answered by the micrOTOF. Isotopically resolved spectra are obtained up to a mass of about 15 kDa, and modifications and complex formation can be investigated.
Fast LC/MS and CE/MS Solve your analytical problem by combining speed with high resolution and mass accuracy: Fast data acquisition and our grounded needle concept give easy access to fast chromatographic and CE applications. Full real-time processing includes peak picking, profile-to-line spectra conversion, automatic recalibration and data reduction.
Specifications |
Sophisticated micrOTOF technology
- World-leading combination of mass accuracy, resolution, and sensitivity
- Detection of ions with True Isotopic Pattern (TIP™) and Sigma Fit™
- Automated determination of elemental composition, the “formula finder”
- Footprint 640 x 640 mm, height 1220 mm, weight 130 kg
TOF analyzer
- Standard mass range 50 – 3,000 m/z
- Extended mass range 50 – 20,000 m/z
- Mass resolution >10,000 FWHM in standard configuration and >15,000 FWHM with micrOTOF focus
- Mass accuracy of 3 ppm (RMS) error with internal calibration
- Mass accuracy of 5 ppm (RMS) error with external calibration
- Acquisition rate of 20 Hz (full mass range profile mass spectra to hard disk)
- Polarity switching for both, positive and negative ions
Source options
- ESI orthogonal electrospray source (1µl –1 ml/min)
- APCI orthogonal atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source (100µl –1,5 ml/min)
- APPI Atmospheric pressure photo ionization source
- AP MALDI Atmospheric pressure MALDI source
- Online NanoElectrospray source for capillary LC applications, flow down to 50 nL/min
- Offline NanoElectrospray source, consumption of 1–2 µL per sample @ 25 nL/min
- CE-MS coupling with grounded ESI needle
Compass™ software environment
- Provides integrated LC/MS control and data processing, including:
- Support of widely used HPLC systems, nanoLC systems, autosamplers and fraction collectors
- GenerateFormula module
- Accurate mass directed fraction treatment
- LC-NMR/micrOTOF coupling
- Optional Compass Security Pack™ for support of ER/ES (Electronic records & signatures)
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