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Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.)



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Eugene, Oreg., OR 97401
Spectroscopy's editorial goal is to promote and support the effective use of spectroscopic instrumentation in applied research, quality control, environmental testing, and the life sciences. We provide information that demonstrates the potential of spectroscopic techniques to solve real-world problems; reviews important fundamental concepts of spectroscopy; and informs readers of important developments in equipment, applications, or techniques.

Spectroscopy is read by more than 25,000 scientists. Our readers come from all branches of the chemical sciences, as well as from diverse disciplines such as astronomy, environmental engineering, molecular biology, optical engineering, physics, and many more. They work in a variety of settings, including industrial, government, academic, and independent analytical laboratories; in on-site locations in the field or factory floor; and in medical facilities. Spectroscopy's readers are also our contributors, and we welcome the submission of manuscripts that describe advances in techniques and applications of all types of spectroscopy. Techniques that Spectroscopy covers include atomic absorption and emission (including plasma-based methods such as ICP and ICP-MS); UV/Vis; infrared (including FT-IR and near-IR); fluorescence/phosphorescence/luminescence; Raman and FT-Raman; x-ray (XRF, XRD, and microanalysis), mass, magnetic resonance (NMR, EPR, MRI), surface analysis (ESCA, SIMS, Auger); and laser-based spectroscopies.

If you have information to share that would benefit spectroscopists, the best way to begin is by talking to the editor about your topic. Before you invest time and energy in a finished manuscript, first find out if the magazine already has a similar article in the works or if the editor has a specific approach in mind for your article. To get a flavor of the type and focus of articles we publish, consult recent back issues of the magazine.

Six types of articles are suitable for Spectroscopy:
  • Feature articles: Broad overviews of advances in a technique or application area, or historical perspectives of a particular subject of interest. Manuscripts should be approximately 3500 words (12 double-spaced pages) in length, plus figures and references. Potential authors are urged to submit a proposal (including a working abstract and outline) to the editor before a manuscript is completed.
  • Application articles: Concise descriptions of specific new uses of spectroscopic techniques to solve old problems, modifications in analyses to accommodate new instrumentation, or improved analyses that result from advances in spectroscopy. Manuscripts should be approximately 2000 words (8 double-spaced pages) in length, with 5-7 (total) figures and tables.
  • Technical notes: Brief write-ups on modified instrumentation, software enhancements, time-saving laboratory procedures, or instrument maintenance/troubleshooting tips. Manuscripts should be 500-1500 words (2-6 double-spaced pages), including 1 or 2 figures.
  • Tutorials: "Back-to-basics" articles covering the fundamentals of a particular technique, application area, analytical procedure, spectroscopic phenomenon, or instrumental component. Tutorials should be suitable for helping beginners understand the basics while providing enough advanced material or new ideas to educate more experienced spectroscopists. Length and illustrative content depends on the topic under discussion; authors are urged to contact the editor prior to submission.
  • Sampling Solutions: Short descriptions of modified or novel equipment or procedures that simplify the task of preparing and handling samples for spectroscopic analysis (by either atomic or molecular techniques); manuscripts should be 750-1250 words (3-5 double-spaced pages), including 1 or 2 figures.
  • Design Forum: Detailed discussions of how innovative instrument design can help achieve improved instrument performance, extend analytical capabilities, or increase operational efficiency. Articles must focus on the optomechanical aspects of an instrument or accessory, and performance claims must be substantiated with real data. Manuscripts should be up to 1500 words (6 double-spaced pages), with 3-5 illustrations.

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