The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
Supporters of EVISA includes:
Directory of scientists
Sergi Díez
Tenured Scientist at CSIC
Department of Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), C/Jordi Girona, 18-26 - E-08034 Barcelona - Spain
Development of methods to analyze environmental samples for their contents of Hg species
Methylmercury bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in freshwater foodwebs
Human exposure assessment to mercury and other contaminants
Biogeochemical cycling of trace metals/metalloids in lakes, rivers, & aquatic systems
Biogeochemical processes controlling the distribution, speciation, mobility, and bioavailability of metals using a combination of traditional and emerging analytical techniques, integrated laboratory and field studies.
Evaluation of chemical speciation using a new in-situ technique called Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT)
Contamination in Marine Ecosystems
Organic (PAHs, PCBs) and Organometallic (Organotin) pollution in ports and marinas
Accidental spills in the marine ecosystems
Chemical characterization of spilled products
Origin & determination of residues that reach the littoral through molecular tracers
Characterization of weathering processes (i.e. evaporation, photooxidation and biodegradation)
Bioremediation of the coastal zones through lipophilic nutrient treatment
Techniques for retrieval of spilled products
Advanced Mercury Analyser, AMA-254 (Leco)
GC interfaced to atomic fluorescence spectrometry detector (Tekran 2500) via a pyrolytic reactor (GC-py-AFS)
Sampling devices for trace elements speciation in water
Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) devices for Hg speciation in water