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Speciation analysis in forensic science: Arsenic speciation is supporting the hypothesis that Napoleon was poisoned with inorganic arsenic
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-10 / Rating: 8.887 )

Herbal remedies may cause harm
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 5.139 )

Impressions from the Analytica 2012 in Munich
  (Last Mod.:2012-05-03 / Rating: 5.087 )

Tracking down the source of human exposure to mercury by analyzing human hair
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 5.086 )

Experts in Bioimaging came together in Münster, May 24-25, 2018
  (Last Mod.:2018-10-16 / Rating: 5.079 )

Bioavailable and toxic platinum species present in silicone breast implants ?
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-07 / Rating: 5.069 )

U.S. sales of widely used drug "Roxarsone" for chickens to be suspended
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-19 / Rating: 5.065 )

New Reference Material for Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-22 / Rating: 5.061 )

EVISA's activities during the year 2012
  (Last Mod.:2013-08-24 / Rating: 5.059 )

Microbeam analysis of dental amalgam reveals high mobility of mercury
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-25 / Rating: 5.055 )

Analytik Jena AG Signs Agreement to Acquire Bruker’s ICP-MS Business
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 5.052 )

A new study finds: Inorganic mercury stays in the brain for years if not decades
  (Last Mod.:2018-07-08 / Rating: 5.041 )

More evidence linking chicken litter and toxic arsenic
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-09 / Rating: 5.035 )

Quantification of glyphosate and AMPA by HPLC-ICP-MS/MS
  (Last Mod.:2020-07-22 / Rating: 5.031 )

Methylmercury: What have we learned from Minamata Bay?
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 5.015 )

Roxarsone and it metabolites in organic fertilizer lead to human exposure to arsenic
  (Last Mod.:2020-07-23 / Rating: 5.012 )

Mercury isotope ratio measurements of methylmercury in fish
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-27 / Rating: 5.010 )

Too many dental amalgam fillings may increase blood mercury levels
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-27 / Rating: 4.994 )

EU seeking to restrict chemicals in tattoo inks over cancer fears
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-17 / Rating: 4.983 )

Toenail clippings reveal arsenic exposure
  (Last Mod.:2020-06-28 / Rating: 4.974 )

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