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ECHA suggests further chemicals for SVHC list


Three EU Member States – Denmark, France and Germany - have put forward proposals to identify eight chemical substances as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Anyone can comment on these eight proposals by 22 April 2010. Comments should focus primarily on the hazardous properties that qualify the chemicals as SVHCs. In addition, interested parties can provide comments and further information on the uses, exposures and availability of safer alternative substances or techniques. They should be aware that these aspects will mainly be considered at the next stage of the process (i.e. selection of substances for authorisation), which includes a new round of public consultation.

The Member State Committee will review these comments when seeking an agreement on the identification as SVHC before ECHA includes these substances on the Candidate List, from which substances are selected for authorisation. Substances that appear on the Authorisation List can, after a transition period, only be used if a specific authorisation is granted.
There are already 29 substances on the Candidate List. Inclusion on that list means new information requirements for suppliers of preparations and articles containing the substances.

All eight substances are proposed because of their potentially serious effects on human health. They are carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or toxic for reproduction. The names of the substances, the reasons for their proposal as SVHC and their potential uses are provided in the table below.

Substance name
EC number
CAS number
Proposed SVHC property
Potential uses
Carcinogenic category 2
  • Cleaning and degreasing of metal parts
  • Solvent in adhesives
  • Intermediate in the manufacture of chlorinated and fluorinated organic compounds
Boric acid
233-139-2 / 234-343-4
10043-35-3 / 11113-50-1
Toxic for reproduction category 2
Uses include a multitude of applications, e,g, in biocides and preservatives, personal care products, food additives, glass, ceramics, rubber, fertilisers, flame retardants, paints, industrial fluids, brake fluids, soldering products, film developers.
Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous

Toxic for reproduction category 2
Uses include a multitude of applications, e,g, in biocides and preservatives, personal care products, food additives, glass, ceramics, rubber, fertilisers, flame retardants, paints, industrial fluids, brake fluids, soldering products, film developers.
Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate
Toxic for reproduction category 2
Uses include a multitude of applications, e.g. in glass and glass fibres, ceramics, detergents and cleaners, personal care products, industrial fluids, metallurgy, adhesives, flame retardants, biocides, fertilizers.
Sodium chromate
Carcinogenic category 2; mutagenic category 2; toxic for reproduction category 2
  • Laboratory (analytical agent)
  • Manufacture of other chromium compounds
Potassium chromate
Carcinogenic category 2; mutagenic category 2
  • Treatment and coating of metals
  • Manufacture of reagents and chemicals
  • Manufacture of textiles
  • Colouring agent in ceramics
  • Tanning and dressing of leather
  • Manufacture of pigments/inks
  • Laboratory (analytical reagent)
  • Pyrotechnics
Ammonium dichromate
Carcinogenic category 2; mutagenic category 2; toxic for reproduction category 2
  • Oxidising agent
  • Laboratory (analytical agent)
  • Tanning of leather
  • Manufacture of textiles
  • Manufacture of photosensitive screens (cathode ray tubes)
  • Metal treatment
Potassium dichromate
Carcinogenic category 2; mutagenic category 2; toxic for reproduction category 2
  • Chrome metal manufacturing
  • Treatment and coating of metals
  • Manufacture of reagents and chemicals
  • Laboratory (analytical agent)
  • Cleaning of laboratory glassware
  • Tanning of leather
  • Manufacture of textiles
  • Photolithography
  • Wood treatment
  • Corrosion inhibitor in cooling systems

Source: ECHA

Related information

ECHA: Proposals to identify Substances of Very High Concern
ECHA: Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation (SVHC)

Related EVISA Resources

Brief summary: REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
Link Database: Toxicity of hexavalent chromium (chromate)
Link Database: Industrial Use of chromate
Link Database: Toxicity of boron compounds
Link Database: Industrial use of boron compounds

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ECHA suggests further chemicals for SVHC list
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last time modified: May 20, 2024


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