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REACH Committee Approves Draft Regulation to Amend the REACH Annexes to Address Nanomaterials


ECHA Press release:  
According to the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) press release, the amendments address the knowledge gap on which substances registered under REACH are placed on the market as nanomaterials and in what quantities.  

ECHA states that the amendments will allow both companies and authorities to know more about the characteristics of nanomaterials, how they are used, how they are handled safely, what risks they potentially pose to health and the environment, and how these risks are controlled.  The draft regulation is now subject to scrutiny by the European Parliament and Council for a period of three months before being adopted by the EC.  

ECHA states that it will begin to assess the need to update existing guidance or issue new guidance to support registrants in complying with the new requirements.  As soon as the amendments are formally adopted, ECHA encourages registrants of nanoform substances to familiarize themselves with the amendments and assess what actions they need to take to comply.  The EC held a public consultation in 2017 on a draft regulation that would amend the Annexes.  

Source: ECHA

Related information
Draft Commission Regulation
ECHA nanomaterials
European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials
Practical guide: How to prepare registration dossiers that cover nanoforms [PDF][EN]
Guidance on grouping and read-across between nanoforms [PDF][EN]
Nano specific Appendices to the guidance on information requirements and chemicals safety assessment

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last time modified: April 27, 2018


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