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REACH enters into force


The chemical industry has not stood still since the adoption of the Regulation in December last year. Cefic continues to be very heavily involved in several of the REACH Implementation Projects (RIPs) which will produce all important guidance for industry.
In the meantime it has produced 5 highly regarded REACH Preparation Newsletters over the last 15 months, which the Commission itself has acknowledged to be the best source of practical insight for industry on how to prepare. Members workshops are always completely sold out and the new commercial wholly owned subsidiary of Cefic - ReachCentrum - is providing workshops and consultancy for member and non-member organisations ahead of its core business function, which will be the facilitation and management of consortia.
"Indeed, REACH must be seen as an opportunity for our industry to demonstrate that it has a sound knowledge of its products and excellent practice for safe manufacturing and use of chemicals. Cefic will play an active role in helping companies to comply with the regulation" comments Alain Perroy, Cefic Director General.

Source: adapted from the press release of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)

 Related information:

EVISA: (A brief introduction to) REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
EurActiv, April 5, 2007: Chemicals Policy review (REACH)
ECHA: News: Weekly archive

Related EVISA News):

October 14, 2018: One third of all chemicals used in high quantity in Europe is not respecting EU safety laws 
April 27, 2018: REACH Committee Approves Draft Regulation to Amend the REACH Annexes to Address Nanomaterials
April 3, 2018: EU Commission Releases 10th Anniversary Report on REACH Directive
January 17, 2018: ECHA has added three cadmium compounts of very high concern (SVHCs) to the REACH candidate list
March 26, 2016: ECHA: New Approach on Hazard Assessment for Nanoforms
March 10, 2016: European Commission consults on chemicals legislation outside REACH
February 4, 2013: ECHA requests comments on expanding REACH restriction on the use of cadmium in plastics 
June 19, 2011: Committee for Socio-economic Analysis agrees on two draft opinions on restriction proposals for mercury compounds under REACH
June 7, 2011: European Commission announces ban on cadmium in plastics
December 1, 2010: ECHA reports the final REACH registration numbers - Nearly 25,000 dossiers
November 14, 2010: Registrations pick up as REACH deadline looms
September 25, 2010: The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) calls for comments on reports proposing restrictions on mercury and phenylmercury
March 10: 2010: ECHA suggests further chemicals for SVHC list
November 13, 2008: REACH pre-registration deadline expires soon
September 18, 2008: REACH Update: List of 300 chemicals of very high concern
June 3, 2008: European Chemicals Agency opens in Helsinki
October 10, 2006: Parties unite on EU chemicals safety law (REACH)
December 14, 2005: REACH: A further step towards final approval
July 1, 2005: European chemicals legislation REACH must be consumer-friendly

last time modified: August 29, 2024


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