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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Procedure for data publication

Each contributor fills in the data in the entry forms and submits them.
After filling the form you can choose to submit the method directly and make it available to the public, or to save it for further editing. To edit a method you need to login with the username and password you choose when entering the method.

Filling the supply form

Assay title - Short description - Type - Reference - Matrix - Substance - Chemical formula - CAS number - Bioeffect - Biological System - Standardized - Standard - Legal background - Sample clean-up- Sample treatment - Derivatisation - Separation principle - Detection principle - Parameter - Dimension - Limit of determination / detection - EC 50 - Working range - Variation coefficient of the method - Calibration function - Uncertainty assessment - Validation - Reference Material - Interferences - Costs per assay - Time per assay - Comment

Assay title
Meant to identify the method/ assay. In the case of a standardised method, it is suggested that the title of the particular standard should be used.

Short description
Give a short description of your method, including the main characteristics.

Specify if your method/assay is a bio-assay or an instrumental analytical method.

Bibliographic information and/or reference to the Standard-may be also a web-link .

Select the matrix for which your method/ assay is applicable. Only one choice is possible. If the method/ assay is applicable to more then one matrix it has to be submitted separately for each new type of matrix

Enter the analyte or class (group) of analytes assayed by the method.

Chemical formula
Enter the chemical formula of a single compound or group. Only required if the substance is not in the above list.

CAS number
If available add the CAS-Number.Only required if the substance is not in the above list.

This field applies to bio-assays only. Choose the bio-effect assayed by the method.

Biological System
This field applies to bio-assays only. Insert the biological system the assay works with (e.g. cells, whole organisms).

Enter whether the method is standardised according to international o national standards, e.g. CEN, ISO, DIN, BS, etc.

Enter the international or national standard according to which the method is standardised, e.g. CEN, ISO, DIN, BS, etc.

Legal background
Enter the national or international legislation that requires this analyte(s) to be determined, if appplicable (e.g.European Water Framework Directive or National Drinking Water Surveillance Act)

Sample clean-up
Is sample clean-up necessary? If yes, please detail the method (e.g. liquid chromatography, size exclusion)

Sample collection
Enter requirements for and comments on sample collection. If a standard exists that describes the sample collection procedure, refer to this standard.

Sample handling
Sample handling includes all steps and measures taken to ensure that the (sub-)sample that is finally analysed is still representative of the original sample, e.g. conservation/stabilisation of the sample, or sample division.

Sample Treatment
Sample Treatment applies equally to organic, metal-organic and inorganic analytes and includes all physical and chemical steps of sample treatment, e.g. pre-concentration, extraction, digestion, derivatisation, etc.

Is derivatisation necessary? If yes, please detail the method (e.g. alkylation, esterification)

Separation principle
Please choose the separation principle of the method.

Please enter the separation conditions if the method/ assay includes a separation step. Details such as column type and dimensions may be entered here.

Detection principle
Please choose the detection principle of the method.

Specify the parameter measured in this assay.

Unit in which the parameter is measured.

Limit of detection
Enter the limit of detection or limit of determination of your assay and specify how it is determined (e.g. signal-to-background ratio). The limit of detection (LOD) specifies the lowest concentration at which the presence of an analyte in a sample can be detected in one out of two cases (= 50%). The two most common ways for the determination of the LOD are from the standard deviation of the blank (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3) or from the confidence interval of the calibration (e.g. according to the standard DIN 32645).

Limit of quantitation
The limit of quantitation (LOQ) specifies the lowest concentration at which an analyte in a sample can be quantitatively determined with a relative uncertainty of the result of less than 33% (k = 3). The two most common ways for the determination of the LOQ are from the standard deviation of the blank (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 9 or 10 [as an approximation]) or from the confidence interval of the calibration (e.g. according to the standard DIN 32645). As an approximation, the LOQ is ˜ 3 x LOD).

EC 50
This field applies to bioassays only. Specify the EC50 of your assay.

Working range
Concentration range in which the method can be applied for quantitative analysis according to the validation of the method.

Calibration function
Insert the calibration function used for the evaluation of the data (e.g. linear, 2nd order polynomial,4-parameter logistic, linear regression).

Typical Variation coefficient of the method
The variation coefficient of the method, Vx0, is calculated from the calibration as quotient of the residual standard deviation, sy, the slope of the calibration line, b, and the mean of the working range, x - Vx0 = sx0/x- = sy/(b . x-)

Repeatability of the method
These data can be either determined in one lab or are available in the method validation section of a standard for which an interlaboratory comparison study has been performed as Vr (within-laboratory variation coefficient).

Reproducibility of the method
These data are only available in the method validation section of a standard for which an interlaboratory comparison study has been performed as VR (between-laboratory variation coefficient).

Uncertainty assessment
If possible, give an estimate of the method uncertainty, e.g. as % at a defined concentration, such as the middle of the working range.

How has your method been validated? (e.g. external validation by participation in PT schemes, internal validation by comparison with in-house methods)

Availability of Reference Materials
If available and suitable for this assay, please specify (give name, producer and exact identification of RM). A web-link could be inserted to provide information on potential suppliers.

Interferences and limitations
Specify existing or known interferences and limitations.

Costs per assay
Estimate the cost per assay / determination, taking into account the costs of consumables, instrument costs and working time.

Time per assay
Estimate the time required per assay / determination, comment if assays/determinations can be performed in parallel.

Enter any comment that may be relevant or helpful (e.g. need for special equipment, use of hazardous substances, etc.).

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