Instrument Database:
Agilent Technologies Inc. - 1260 Infinity Micro-scale Purification/Spotting System

Year of introduction |
2010 |
Status |
available |
Company |
Agilent Technologies Inc.
Categories |
Automation: Fraction Collector (LC) Chromatography: LC-Pump: Nanoflow Chromatography: LC/HPLC |
For accurate and reliable collection of small fractions The Agilent 1260 Infinity Micro-fraction Collection/Spotting System for capillary and nanoflow rates (100 nL/min to 100 µL/min) is designed for collection of small fractions in 96 and 384 wellplate format, vials and Eppendorf tubes. It is capable of spotting nanoliter amounts reliably, precisely and fast onto MALDI targets of all major vendors. The unique liquid contact control mode for droplet deposition in combination with proprietary tip design of the outlet capillary guarantees reproducible deposition of even the smallest droplets without bubble formation or cross contamination.This feature ensures that even at lowest flow rates combined with fast spotting rates the droplets are exactly positioned where they need to be. Features: - Micro-fraction collection
- Minimized delay volume and peak dispersion through optimized tubing sets
- Flow rate range from 100 nL/min to 100 μL/min (depending on pump)
- Back-pressure independent, best-in-class gradient reproducibility through electronic flow control
- High versatility through predefined well plate formats and Eppendorf tubes for up to 768 samples
- User-definable well plate choice for less common formats
- MALDI spotting
- Support for all major MALDI targets
- Easy to perform MALDI spotting calibration
- Fast spotting/collection rate (minimum 3 s/spot)
- Online matrix addition kit
- Thermostatted version for degradable bio-samples and to prevent or enhance fast evaporation of small fractions
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