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17th Annual Goldschmidt Conference

The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.

Date: 19.08.2007 - 24.08.2007
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Contact: local.helpdesk@goldschmidt2007.org
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.goldschmidt2007.org

Themes and Symposia

99 symposia have been planned for Goldschmidt 2007 which cover the full range of geochemistry. The symposia have been divided up into 16 themes.

Clicking the link beside the title of each symposia will show the detailed information of the symposium, including the names and email addresses of the convenors, and a description of the science expected to be covered. The names of keynote speakers (where confirmed) are also shown: details of the keynote speakers for the remaining symposia will be added in due course. In addition to the Specialised Symposia, there will be 16 general symposia (collected together in Theme 16) to cover the full range of geochemistry, in which papers not covered by the symposia detailed in the other themes can be presented.

A full list of the symposia titles without full descriptions is available here.  

Theme 01 New Approaches in Geochemistry
 Coordinators: Carsten Münker & Trevor Ireland
Theme 02 Exploiting and Preserving Natural Resources
 Coordinators: Michael Meyer, Torsten Vennemann, Robert J. Bodnar & Volker Lüders
Theme 03 From Dust to Planets
 Coordinators: Mario Trieloff, Andreas Pack & Martin Bizzarro
Theme 04 Early Earth
 Coordinators: K. Mezger & R. Frei
Theme 05 Earth's Mantle
 Coordinators: A.W. Hofmann & W.M. McDonough
Theme 06 Earth's Crust
 Coordinators: F. Holtz & R. Rudnick
Theme 07 Subduction Processes
 Coordinators: Stephen Foley, Thomas Zack & Richard Arculus
Theme 08 Geochemical Constraints on Duration of Geologic Processes
 Coordinators: S. Chakraborty & S. Mukhopadhyay
Theme 09 Biogeochemistry and the Origin and Evolution of Life
 Coordinators: L. Schwark & J.S.S. Damste
Theme 10 Water in Planetary Systems
 Coordinators: H. Keppler & Bernard Marty
Theme 11 Geochemistry of Surface Processes
 Coordinators: F. v. Blanckenburg & R.E. Blake
Theme 12 Atmospheres and Oceans
 Coordinators: A. Eisenhauer, P. Swart & G. Camoin
Theme 13 Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy
 Coordinators: Stephan Weinbruch, Jörg Matschullat & David Vaughan
Theme 14 Mechanisms of Geochemical Processes in Nature and Experiment
 Coordinators: Andrew Putnis & Lukas Baumgartner
Theme 15 Applied Mineralogy and Archeometry
 Coordinators: Hans-Joachim Kleebe & Tom Sharp
Theme 16 General Symposia

One of the sessions is focused on speciation, namely:

S96: Speciation and reactivity of trace elements in natural environments
Conveners:     Andreas Voegelin     (voegelin@env.ethz.ch)
     Farid Juillot     (Farid.Juillot@impmc.jussieu.fr)
     Ruben Kretzschmar     (kretzschmar@env.ethz.ch)
Keynote:    Daniel Strawn    (University of Idaho, USA)

This session has 1 keynote and 9 invited presentations with the following titles:

  • Daniel G. Strawn: Molecular Characterization of Selenium in the Environment

  • Marc Benedetti: Modelling Metal Speciation in Aquatic Systems
  • Gordon E. Brown Jr.: Mercury Speciation in Mining Environments
  • Olivier F.X. Donard : Metal Species and Isotopes : Unravelling Reactivity in the Environnement
  • Michael F. Hochella, Jr.: How Nanoscience Has Changed Our Understanding of Environmental Geochemistry
  • Kumke, M.: Binding of Metal Ions by Natural Organic Matter (NOM)investigated by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy (LIPS)
  • Guillaume Morin: Heavy Metal Speciation in Soils: Comparing Natural and Anthropogenic Input
  • Jerome Rose : Role of Natural Nanoparticles (Imogolite and Allophane) on the Mobility of Trace Metals in Soil from La Reunion Island
  • Michel Schlegel: Cation Sorption at the Smectite Edges: From Transition Metals to Y and Lu
  • Raewyn M. Town: Dynamic Metal Speciation Analysis by Stripping Chronopotentiometry at Scanned Deposition Potential (SSCP)
  • Hao Zhang: Dynamic Speciation of Metals in Soils using DGT

The speciation of trace nutrients and contaminants strongly affects their reactivity in the environment. Therefore, detailed information on the speciation of trace elements in the solid and liquid phase is crucial in order to understand their bioavailability and mobility in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Characterization of natural samples with respect to the presence of different types of species provides detailed insight into relevant processes and mechanisms under field conditions. In addition, speciation studies in environmental systems also represent an important link to laboratory studies concerned with the reactivity of trace elements and allow mutual validation of model concepts. Because of the usually low concentrations of trace elements, their characterization in complex matrices requires the use of advanced analytical techniques. This session aims to provide a platform for researchers concerned with the speciation and reactivity of trace elements in the context of their biogeochemical cycling. Possible topics include the speciation of trace contaminants in soils and sediments using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electron microscopy as well as the identification of dissolved trace species by hyphenated or voltammetric techniques.


April 30,2007Extended: Submission of abstracts
May 4,2007Application for financial support
May 31,2007Early registration at reduced fee
July 31,2007Pre-registration

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