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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Tributyltin canned


TBT is an organic additive often used in marine antifouling paints, as it swiftly kills organisms such as barnacles, algae and mussels which naturally attach themselves to hard surfaces, including on the sides of ships, thus ensuring their smooth passage through the water and reducing fuel consumption.

The problem is that TBT leaks out from the paint and into the surrounding water, affecting marine life and seeping into the food chain.

Heard of sea snails changing sex, or oysters seeing their hard shell going all soft and mushy? These are but two known adverse TBT effects on marine species. The decline of commercially harvested oysters along the Atlantic coast of France and the UK has been attributed to TBT contamination. TBT has also been found far from shipping lanes in albatrosses, whales and fish.

The International Convention:
The International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems for Ships obliges its signatories to ensure that no vessels using TBT-containing paint go under their flag or call at their ports.

“TBT belongs not in the sea but in the poison cupboard, and this agreement will help put it firmly back there,”  says Stephan Lutter, International Policy Officer with WWF Germany.

But take-up of the agreement has been slow, with many of the large shipping states having yet to sign and implement the agreement into their national legislation. Whereas WWF is applauding the commitment of the 34 states that have ratified the agreement so far, the conservation organisation urges all 168 member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to join.

Source: WWF

Related EVISA Resources

Link Database: Toxicity of organotin compounds
Link Database: Environmental pollution by organotin compounds
Link Database: Industrial use of organotin compounds
Brief summary: The role of elemental speciation in legislation
Brief summary: Regulation (EC) No 782/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 April 2003 on the prohibition of organotin compounds on ships

Related EVISA News

September 20, 2007: TBT-ban convention ratified
October 11, 2006: TBT from antifouling paint is still endangering marine life, says WWF ( 11.10.2006 )
January 23, 2004: Tuna is attuned to tin
December 15, 2003: Artifacts during the extraction of butyltin compounds from solid samples !

last time up-dated: May 23, 2024


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