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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA's activities during the year 2010


EVISA's web portal is the primary information source in the domain of trace element and speciation analysis. EVISA's data centre was improved, enhanced and updated during the year 2010 in order to keep its position. 

EVISA's database system was continuously updated and new records were added:
We continued to inform you about all aspects of trace elements and their species with News and Events and added alltogether more than 1050 pages full of information during the year, about 4 pages each working day. The content of this important information source has actually surpassed more than 13,700 pages (see the graph below). Since we also tried hard to keep all records and their links alive, EVISA's News section is actually a section of hot topics in speciation analysis.

We not only developed the site with respect to content but also enhanced its usability by adding new functionality:
  • In January we added a search facility for the EVISA speciation newsletter
  • In March we added a search facility for EVISA's Agenda of Events
  • In November we changed the page addressing to "talking URLs"

Again, we attracted about 520,000 visitors during the year, and therefore for the first time did not see a significant growth of our community. We do believe that this fact is related to the changment of ranking policy of major search engines. In order to improve our position within the different search engines we changed the style of our addressing to "talking URLs".

Anyhow, it is neither the quantity of information nor the quantity of visitors that really count but only the quality of information provided and the quality of contacts. In order to provide easy access to valuable information we added new links and updated excisting ones. The work necessary for keeping all links alive is a workload that is increasing with the growing content of the EVISA server.

Operating the web portal is only a part of EVISA's activities. EVISA and its members participated in all major conferences related to speciation analysis. EVISA's director EVISA acted also as an organizer for speciation related events. EVISA participated in the preparation of two conferences that will take place in 2011:
two interesting events related to speciation analysis.

Related information

 EVISA's web portal

 Related EVISA News

December 11, 2009: EVISA's activities during the year 2009
October 13, 2009: A short report from the speciation workshop TraceSpec 2009
September 29, 2009: EVISA welcomes its one millionth visitor
August 21, 2009: EVISA's web portal: Relaunch of the Speciation Discussion Forum
December 15, 1008: A short review of EVISA's activities during the year 2008

last time modified: May 17, 2024


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