New Certified Reference Materials supporting the analysis of food supplements
NRC Metrology released a set of mineral supplement and multivitamin certified reference materials (CRMs). These will help ensure the quality and safety of nutritional supplements for consumers by enabling better chemical characterization of active ingredients.
The new CRMs: The new CRMs (VITA-1 and VITB-1) are part of a suite of multivitamin Certified Reference Materials
(CRMs) from National Research Council Canada (NRC). VITA-1 is a low-level multivitamin CRM that is certified for minerals and vitamins and VITB-1 is an
elevated-level counterpart.
Each unit consists of a box with 20 tablets individually packaged
in trilaminate foil pouches which serve as a barrier to the light and
moisture. Trilaminate foil pouches should only be opened immediately
prior to use. The CRM is sensitive to light, so caution should be taken
to avoid any light exposure. Each tablet weighs approximately 2.57 g.
Both CRMs are intended for the
calibration of procedures and the development of methods for the
determination of minerals and vitamins in multivitamin materials or
similar matrices. Apart from minerals and trace elements, the materials are also certified for some trace element species (Chromium picolinate, cyanocobalamanin) and many vitamins.
last time modified: January 12, 2019