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REACH: Substances of very high concern


The ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) has published proposals to identify SVHCs (substances of very high concern) under the REACH (Registration/Evaluation/Authorization of Chemicals) regulation and is welcoming comments on these 15 substances by Oct 15. The agency proposed these substances as SVHCs because they are considered carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reprotoxic, or because they are considered persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic.

The European Union/European Economic Area member states and the European Commission proposed the substances to the ECHA, which will take comments into account when deciding whether the substances will appear on the candidate list from which lawmakers select substances for required authorization of use. Substances appearing on this list may eventually be subject to authorization in the European Union.

Out of the 15 compounds included in the list, there are five inorganic compounds mentioned, three of them containing hexavalent chromium:

Link to the Annex XV report Link to commenting form 
Aluminosilicate, Refractory 

Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres
Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres
Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres
Lead chromate
Lead chromate
Lead chromate molybdate sulfate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104)
Lead chromate molybdate sulfate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104)
Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34)
Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34)

The ECHA has advised that comments should focus on the hazardous properties that qualify the chemicals as SVHCs. Parties can also provide comments and further information on the uses, exposures, and availability of safer alternative substances or techniques, although the EHCA will consider these aspects mainly at the next stage of the process.

Related Information

ECHA: Proposals to identify Substances of Very High Concern: Annex XV reports for commenting by Interested Parties 
EVISA, Brief Summary:
REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals

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last time modified: May 21, 2024


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