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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

A short review of EVISA's activities during the year 2008


The EVISA web portal at www.speciation.net, now being on-line without any interruption more than five years, has achieved a google ranking of 6. Besides ranking, it is the growing user community that tells us that the information value provided by EVISA is highly accepted. We expect to have the 700,000 visitor during this month.  About half of the total number of visitors have visited the web site during this year and have downloaded nearly 5,000,000 pages.

The growth rate could be increased dramatically with the beginning of 2007, when EVISA opened its German office in Münster. As already during the first year of the German Office, cooperation between EVISA and the University of Münster led to numerous activities.

EVISA was present at many conferences, trade shows and workshops with presentations, information booths or discussion fora represented by at least one of its active members. To name only the activities of the German Office, EVISA Managing Director Michael Sperling was present as a member of the scientific board at the 4th International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences in Munich, May 25-29. Contributions were presented also during the 4th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, June 15-18 in Loen, Norway. An invited presentation was given at the Workshop dedicated to the Heavy Metals Testing Procedure of the US Pharmacopeia, organized by the US Institute of Medicine in August in Washington (see the News Section). EVISA was also present with an information booth at the ISC'08 conference in Münster Germany that attracted about 600 particpants.

A growing number of clients have approached EVISA for getting help with respect to analytical problems related to speciation analysis. Despite the fact that requests are often tricky cases that cannot be handled by routine service labs,  most of the problems could be solved by EVISA and his partners. More and more often request are related to requirements called by REACH.

Another activity of EVISA is the ongoing development of EVISA's website. We made considerable efforts to improve the site not only with respect to content quantity, but also with respect to content quality.
EVISA's News section was continuously updated with about one record per week. With the additional information provided within links (literature, EVISA resources and external information) the news section is actually a collection of hot topics in speciation analysis.  We also tried to keep the numerous links up-to-date and spent considerable efforts to maintain our huge database system.

EVISA's database system was continuously updated and new records were added:

Altogether we added more than 850 pages during the year (~ 3 pages per day) and withdraw about 200 pages no longer actual.

Such a work could not be realized without the help of EVISA members, friends and partners. We are thankful for all the support that we obtained, especially from the University of Münster and from our sponsors. In 2008, we were able to convince two new sponsors (Shimadzu and PerkinElmer) to support EVISA and we hope that more sponsors will join in 2009.

Related EVISA News (newest first)

April 11, 2016: EVISA welcomed its 8 Millionth User
December 17, 2014: Ten years EVISA Speciation Newsletter
December 16, 2013: EVISA welcomed its 5 Millionth User
January 16, 2013: EVISA welcomed its 4 Millionth User
September 8, 2011: User community on EVISA's Website doubling during the last 6 months
September 28, 2009: EVISA welcomes its one millionth visitor
July 7, 2008: EVISA user community surpassing 30,000 visits per month
December 16, 2007: Three years EVISA Newsletter - Four years EVISA website - Time to take stock
November 13, 2007: EVISA's Link Database: A very versatile information source
October 7, 2007: New search engine on EVISA's web portal
September 17, Experts in Speciation Analysis came together in Münster, September
April 1, 2007: EVISA's User Community steadily growing
January 15, 2007: EVISA has opened a new regional office
December 17, 2006: Two years Speciation Newsletter - Three years of EVISA web site operation - Accomplishments and Future Perspectives             
December 16, 2005: One year EVISA speciation Newsletter - Two years of EVISA web site operation - Time to look back
December 19, 2004: Elemental speciation is going commercial
January 22, 2004: Now more than 150 scientists listed in EVISA's directory
January 18, 2004: New EVISA service: Vacancies

last time modified: May 22, 2024


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