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NIST/EPA/NJ DEP embark on the preparation of a soil reference materials for chromium speciation analysis
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-06 / Rating: 8.782 )

Tribute to Jacques Buffle: founding father of dynamic metal speciation analysis
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-21 / Rating: 8.715 )

American lawmakers initiate mercury probe for vaccines
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-07 / Rating: 8.711 )

Speciation of Germanium in Environmental Water Reference Materials by Hydride Generation and Cryotrapping in Combination with ICP-MS/MS
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-26 / Rating: 8.701 )

Parties unite on EU chemicals safety law (REACH)
  (Last Mod.:2024-03-08 / Rating: 8.654 )

Antimony mine disaster
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 8.649 )

Enhanced level of toxic methylmercury in the aquatic environment caused by hydroelectric dams
  (Last Mod.:2018-11-07 / Rating: 8.608 )

Anthropogenic Mercury Releases Into the Atmosphere from Ancient to Modern Time
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-18 / Rating: 8.605 )

Chromium Isotope Ratio as a Tool to Track the Redox State of the Earth
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-27 / Rating: 8.537 )

EPA Issues Guidance for Enhanced Monitoring of Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-19 / Rating: 7.191 )

EU Commission consults on chromium VI in toys
  (Last Mod.:2014-09-04 / Rating: 7.187 )

US EPA offers chance to speak out against hexavalent chromium
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-20 / Rating: 7.187 )

Lehigh University professor receives Astellas Award for arsenic groundwater remediation efforts
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-21 / Rating: 7.186 )

Speciation analysis by mass spectrometry for studying organotin-protein interactions
  (Last Mod.:2023-11-23 / Rating: 7.182 )

Essentiality of selenium for brain development
  (Last Mod.:2018-07-07 / Rating: 7.181 )

Agilent Technologies Introduces New Atomic Spectroscopy Platform for Multiple Analytical Applications
  (Last Mod.:2018-07-07 / Rating: 7.176 )

Shimadzu: New Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
  (Last Mod.:2019-08-15 / Rating: 7.176 )

Is the methylmercury paradox real ?
  (Last Mod.:2020-06-24 / Rating: 7.169 )

Arsenic desaster in Bangladesh man-made ?
  (Last Mod.:2010-03-19 / Rating: 7.168 )

ECHA: New Approach on Hazard Assessment for Nanoforms
  (Last Mod.:2024-05-17 / Rating: 7.167 )

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