CEN together with the Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) and the German "Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V." (DIN) have opened a call for two project leaders for the development of standardised methods for the
a) determination of inorganic arsenic in food (must include food of plan origin and food of marine origin) and the
b) determination of methylmercury in food of marine origin.
Background:Standardization mandate M/422/rev1 in the field of methods of analysis for heavy metals and iodine in food was issued by the European Commission in the framework of the Regulation (EC 882/2004) on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food low, animal health and animal welfare rules. This Regulation provides that sampling and analysis methods used in the context of official controls shall comply with relevant Community rules or if no such rules exist, with internationally recognised rules or protocols, for example those than CEN has accepted.
Currently M/422 rev1 is submitted to the approval procedure in CEN until 1st March 2010.
The establishment of standardized methods of analysis is of utmost importance to guarantee a uniform application and control of the European legislation in all Member States. Standardized methods of analysis are an indispensable element in guaranteeing a high level of food and feed safety.
The analytical methods to be developed will be used for performing the required controls (Article 11 of the Regulation).
The objectives of the call:Publication of the following standardized methods for analysis of heavy metals in food:
- Determination of inorganic arsenic in food (must include food of plan origin and food of marine origin)
- Determination of methylmercury in food of marine origin
ExecutionThe execution of the mandate will be split in two projects. For each project a project leader has to be appointed for technical work. The institutes for standardisation in Sweden (SIS) and Germany (DIN) will take care of the procedural work. DIN will sign contracts with the project leaders and SIS will administrate the technical process.
Tasks of the project leaderThe project leaders will be responsible for the management of their projects. The execution of the projects involves the following:
- monitor the literature, evaluation and validation studies;
- inform CEN/TC 275/WG 10, Elements and their chemical species, of the progress of the projects;
- discuss results of the work within CEN/TC 275/WG 10;
- preparation of interim and final reports to be submitted to the Commission;
- preparation of the draft European Standard (the draft must be approved by CEN/TC 275/WG 10 after which the formal CEN-procedure will start);
- evaluation of technical comments given during meetings of CEN/TC 275/WG 10 or CEN/TC 275 Food analysis - Horizontal methods and given during the enquiry stage of the draft European Standard.
- the project leaders will be subcontractors of DIN;
A specification per project for the project leader is given in the Annex.
The projects shall be finalized within a total time of five years, from the signing of the contract.
Financial supportThe assignment of the task and execution of the work (method development, validation and standardization) will be dependent upon European Commission/EFTA funding.
The project leader's and subcontractor's costs shall be justified with copies of the relevant invoices. All relevant evidence shall be kept in view of future payments (reports on test, work, drafts and deliverables, contracts & invoices, tickets, boarding cards, hotel invoices, attendance lists with signatures, meeting agendas & reports, invoices (consumables, etc.), purchase orders etc…)
The financial support from the European Commission and EFTA is based on the Framework Partnership Agreement 2009 (FPA). The subcontractors shall fulfil the conditions of the FPA (liability, ownership of results, confidentiality…)
The contracts with the selected project leaders will be signed following: The acceptance of M/422 Rev1 by CEN; The signature of the contract with EC/EFTA.
Replies to tenderTenders can be sent (by mail or e-mail) to the secretary of CEN/TC 275/WG 10 Elements and their chemical species Ms. Lorena Olivares (lorena.olivares@sis.se), as soon as possible and at the latest by
04 April 2010.If required additional information can be obtained from the convenor of CEN/TC 275/WG 10, Mr Lars Jorhem (phone: + 46 18 175673, e-mail: lars.jorhem@slv.se) or the secretary of CEN/TC 275/WG 10, Mrs Lorena Olivares (phone: + 46 8 555 520 68, e-mail: lorena.olivares@sis.se)
Related EVISA Resources
Link Database: Analytical methods for inorganic arsenic
Link Database: Analytical methods for organic mercury
Brief summary: Standard methods for arsenic speciation analysis
Brief summary: Standard methods for chromium speciation analysis
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last time modified: March 15, 2025