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Impressions from the 5th Metallomics Symposium ( 19.09.2015 )

Elephant seals’ fur as a source for methylmercury in coastal sea water ( 18.09.2015 )

Arsenic species in rice: A new Australian reference material ( 17.09.2015 )

FDA investigating risk of gadolinium contrast agent brain deposits ( 13.08.2015 )

Call for help: ISO/DIN Project: Standard method for arsenic speciation analysis using HPLC-ICP-MS ( 12.08.2015 )

Researchers propose an improved cooking recipe to reduce worrying levels of arsenic in our rice ( 26.07.2015 )

Polish selenium supplements not always labeled accurately ( 21.07.2015 )

Incorporation of rare earth elements in the shell of freshwater mussels as an indicator for their bioavailability from polluted river water ( 18.07.2015 )

Accurate determination of hexavalent chromium in agricultural soil ( 09.07.2015 )

Iron levels linked to Alzheimer's progression ( 26.05.2015 )

Hexavalent chromium in food ? ( 26.04.2015 )

Effect of dissolved humic acid on the bioavailability of lead from contaminated soil ( 17.04.2015 )

Plasma Spectrochemists came together in Münster, February 22-26, 2015 for the 16th European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry ( 15.03.2015 )

New insights on arsenic cycling ( 13.03.2015 )

Detection of Gd-based contrast agent in the skin of a patient eight years after administration ( 04.03.2015 )

Copper molecule shows promise in fighting against cancer ( 04.03.2015 )

Analytik Jena AG Expands its Product Range ( 03.03.2015 )

Capabilities of EU labs to determine inorganic arsenic in food have improved ( 10.02.2015 )

Cadmium in artist paints - a health hazard ? ( 08.02.2015 )

Mercury levels in Pacific yellowfin tuna increasing ( 03.02.2015 )

Influence of culinary treatments of fish on its mercury content and speciation ( 18.01.2015 )

Decreased risk of colorectal cancer linked with higher selenium status ( 17.12.2014 )

Ten years EVISA Speciation Newsletter ( 17.12.2014 )

Side effects of cisplatin chemotherpy: Platinum speciation matters ( 29.10.2014 )

EFSA: No evidence for essentiality of chromium ( 18.10.2014 )

Gel electrophoresis combined with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis ( 15.10.2014 )

Flow-injection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for speciation analysis ( 15.10.2014 )

Analytik Jena Closes Acquisition of Bruker’s ICP-MS Business and Begins Integration Process ( 18.09.2014 )

New study finds relationship between organic mercury exposure from Thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders ( 07.09.2014 )

Man is significantly contaminating oceans with mercury ( 02.09.2014 )

New research indicates that chromium (III) is even more genotoxic than chromium (VI) ( 18.08.2014 )

Analytik Jena AG Signs Agreement to Acquire Bruker’s ICP-MS Business ( 14.08.2014 )

EU Commission consults on chromium VI in toys ( 05.08.2014 )

Instrument manufacturer Bruker to exit underperforming instrument lines ( 04.08.2014 )

Fractionation as a first step towards speciation analysis ( 09.07.2014 )

Characterization and Speciation of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles by MEKC-ICP-MS ( 23.06.2014 )

Iron-reducing bacteria could detoxify hexavalent chromium ( 20.06.2014 )

CDC's Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal ( 14.06.2014 )

Methylmercury in fish: FDA updates its advice for consumers ( 02.06.2014 )

Global policy on the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccine called discriminatory ( 05.05.2014 )

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