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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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EVISA's activities during the year 2009


EVISA's web portal is the primary information source in the domain of trace element and speciation analysis. EVISA's data centre was improved, enhanced and updated during the year 2009. 

EVISA's database system was continuously updated and new records were added:
Alltogether we added  more than 1300 pages full of information during the year, about 5 pages each working day. The content of this important information source has actually surpassed more than 12,000 pages (see the graph below).

However, besides the quantity of valuable information it is the quality of information that really counts.

We also significantly enhanced cross-linking between the different parts of the database system and other parts of our web portal and we will continue to do so.
Some examples:
  • All News do have links to relevant parts of the EVISA database system, guiding the reader to further information related to the topic
  • All directory entries provide links to other pages related to the scientists
  • Journals do not only provide links to the publisher, the journals homepage and other journals within the same category but also to EVISA's Link database and EVISA's Company database,  informing about societies and associations as well as other websites related to the journal topics.
  • All glossary entries provide links to other pages containing the term
It is our policy to provide easy and efficient access to the most relevant information related to speciation analysis. EVISA not only tries to provide information for all aspects of chemical speciation, such as analytical methodology, toxicology of species and legal aspects, but we even more are targeting for quality of the information provided. We permanently update the information on all pages and we especially work hard on keeping links alive.

We are glad that our activities for quality have been recognized by our ever growing user community. The "Atomic Spectrometry Update"  (ASU) Board of the "Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry" that reviews the literature about speciation commented about the quality of the information provided by the EVISA web portal "While much of the material on the World Wide Web is of uncertain quality, the European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA) (home page, https://cms.speciation.net/) is an important source of information highlighting significant developments in the area and is also regularly updated" (the full report can be found here.).

We have welcomed the 1 millionth visitor in August this year and we surpassed 60,000 users per month in October. With more than 520,000 visitors during the year, we saw a growth in the number of visits of about 50% in comparison to last year.

Again we also worked on the features of the website. This year we added the possibility to comment our news and content pages. We also relaunched the discussion forum with new software. We hope that you will use these possibilities to discuss with us.

Operating the web portal is only a small part of EVISA's activities. EVISA acted also as an organizer for speciation related events. Together with the local organizers from the University of Mainz and International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC), we organized TraceSpec2009, the only conference totally dedicated to speciation analysis in all domains. With about 130 scientists from 22 nations the audience was a bit smaller than that of the 11th meeting in Münster in 2007, which was mainly related to the economic crisis that has resulted in self-effacement of industry but also to the increasing number of meetings during the year.

EVISA again was also present with an information booth at different meetings related to speciation analysis (e.g. at the Winter Conference for Plasma Spectrochemistry in Graz, and at the TraceSpec 2009 in Mainz). EVISA was also present with presentations in conferences, workshops and symposia related to speciation analysis during the year (Winter Conference for Plasma Spectrochemistry in Graz, Metallomics 2009 in Cincinnati, TraceSpec 2009 in Mainz) and participated in training courses (e.g. GdCh Course on Speciation for Food Analysis, Erlangen).

EVISA also acted as a service provider and offered analytical and other services to customers that requested services within the broad domain of capabilities of EVISA's member organizations.

Related information

 EVISA's Web Portal
 User statistics of EVISA's web portal
 EVISA's web site viewed by the major search engines
 Development of the content of EVISA's data centre
 Third parties linking to EVISA
Scientific publications with participation of EVISA

Related EVISA News (newest first)

October 13, 2009: A short report from the speciation workshop TraceSpec 2009
September 29, 2009: EVISA welcomes its one millionth visitor
August 21, 2009: EVISA's web portal: Relaunch of the Speciation Discussion Forum
December 15, 2008: A short review of EVISA's activities during the year 2008

last time modified: May 21, 2024


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