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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Products (instruments, accessories) available from:
Dionex Corporation

The EVISA database contains information about the products listed below. Please understand that this list is not a complete list of products available from the company, but solely a list of those products of interest for trace element determination and speciation.
Please also understand that the database contains both current but also historical instrumentation. In case that you are looking only for current available instruments, please select the "Status = available" in the search form.
For a complete list of products please consult the companies homepage.

In the following hitlist, instruments are differentiated according to their status, as

currently commercially available,
no longer available (but still serviceable),
no longer fully serviceable.


AD20 Absorbance Detector
ASE 100 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
ASE 150 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
ASE 200 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
ASE 300 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent Extraction System
CD25A Conductivity Detector
EDA50A Electrochemical Detector
GP40 Gradient Pump
GP50/IP25 Pump Series
GS50/IS25 Pump Series
ICS-1100 Basic Integrated IC System
ICS-1600 Standard Integrated IC System
ICS-2100 Integrated Reagent-Free IC System
ICS-2500 Reagent-Free Modular IC System
ICS-3000 Reagent-Free™ Ion Chromatography System
ICS-5000 Capillary Reagent-Free IC System
ICS-900 Starter Line IC System
LPG 3600 Single and Dual-Gradient Pump
MSQ Plus Mass Spectrometric Detector
P680A DGP-6 Dual Low-Pressure Gradient Pump
P680A HPG Binary High-Pressure Gradient Pump
P680A Isocratic Pump
P680A LPG Quaternary Gradient Pump
PD40 Diode Array Detector
PDA-100 Photodiode Array Detector
PED-2 Pulsed Electrochemical Detector
RF 2000 Fluorescence Detector
RI-101 Refractive Index Detector
SFM Dual-Arm Sample and Fraction Manager
Summit HPLC Analytical System
Summit LC/MS System
UltiMate 3000 Micro Autosampler
UltiMate TM 3000 Semipreparative Autosampler
UltiMate™ 3000 Autosampler
UltiMate™ 3000 Nano and Capillary LC System
UVD 170U 4-Channel UV-Vis Detector
UVD 340U Photodiode Array Detector
UVD-3000 UV Detektor
WPS-3000 Well Plate Sampler


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