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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Materials produced by the company:
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

The EVISA database on materials contains information about Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), standard materials (for identification of compounds or calibration), sorbents and reagents used within the framework of trace element and speciation analysis. The following list for the cited company are the products related to these topics. For a complete list of products for this company please visit the company web site.

SRM 1078b - Chromium (Metallo-Organic)
SRM 1223 - Chromium Steel
SRM 1357 - Cu & Cr Coating on Steel
SRM 1358a - Cu & Cr Coating on Steel
SRM 1359 - Cu & Cr Coating on Steel
SRM 1359b - Cu & Cr Coating on Steel
SRM 1361b- Coating Thickness Standard (Cu & Cr Coating on Steel)
SRM 1362b - Coating Thickness Standard (Cu & Cr Coating on Steel)
SRM 1363b - Coating Thickness Standard (Cu & Cr Coating on Steel)
SRM 1364b - Coating Thickness Standard (Cu & Cr Coating on Steel)
SRM 1546a - Meat Homogenate
SRM 1547 - Peach Leaves
SRM 1548a - Typical Diet
SRM 1549a - Whole Milk Powder
SRM 1566 b - Oyster Tissue
SRM 1567a - Wheat Flour
SRM 1567b - Wheat Flour
SRM 1568a - Rice Flour
SRM 1568b - Rice Flour
SRM 1570a - Trace Elements in Spinach Leaves
SRM 1573a - Tomato Leaves
SRM 1575a - Trace Elements in Pine Needles
SRM 1577c - Bovine Liver
SRM 1598a - Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum
SRM 1632b - Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)
SRM 1632c - Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous)
SRM 1632d - Trace Elements in Coal, (Bituminous)
SRM 1633b - Constituent Elements in Coal Fly Ash
SRM 1633c - Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash
SRM 1634c - Trace Elements in Fuel Oil
SRM 1635 - Trace Elements in Coal (Subbituminous)
SRM 1635a - Trace Elements in Coal, (Subbitumimous)
SRM 1640a - Trace Elements in Natural Water
SRM 1641c - Mercury In Water
SRM 1641d - Mercury In Water
SRM 1641e - Mercury in Water
SRM 1643d - Trace Elements in Water
SRM 1643e - Trace Elements in Water
SRM 1643f - Trace Elements in Water
SRM 1646a - Estuarine Sediment
SRM 1648a - Urban Particulate Matter
SRM 1649a - Urban Dust
SRM 165a - Glass Sand (Low Iron)
SRM 1762a - Low Alloy Steel
SRM 1775 - Refractory Alloy MP-35-N
SRM 1845a - Whole Egg Powder
SRM 1849a - Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula
SRM 1849b - Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula I
SRM 1877 - Beryllium Oxide Powder
SRM 1941 b - Organics in Marine Sediment
SRM 1946 - Lake Superior Fish Tissue
SRM 1947 - Lake Michigan Fish Tissue
SRM 1950 - Metabolites in Human Plasma
SRM 1974a - Organics in Mussel Tissue
SRM 1974b - Organics in Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis)
SRM 1c - Limestone, Argillaceous
SRM 1d - Limestone, Argillaceous
SRM 2108 - Chromium (III) Speciation
SRM 2109 - Chromium (VI) Speciation
SRM 2134 - Arsenic in Silicon
SRM 2175 - MP 35N Refractory Alloy
SRM 2383a - Baby Food Composite
SRM 2429 - Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
SRM 2445 - Mercury in Iodized Activated Carbon
SRM 2448 - Mercury in Brominated Activated Carbon
SRM 2583 - Trace Elements in Indoor Dust
SRM 2584 - Trace Elements in Indoor Dust
SRM 2586 - Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint)
SRM 2587 - Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint)
SRM 2669 - Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine
SRM 2677a - Beryllium and Arsenic on Filter Media
SRM 2682c - Subbituminous Coal
SRM 2689 - Coal Fly Ash
SRM 2690 - Coal Fly Ash
SRM 2691 - Coal Fly Ash
SRM 2700 - Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (Low Level)
SRM 2701 - Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (High Level)
SRM 2702: Inorganics in Marine Sediment
SRM 2703 - Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small, Sample) Analytical Techniques
SRM 2718 - Green Petroleum Coke
SRM 278 - Obsidian Rock
SRM 2786 - Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter < 4 µm
SRM 2787 - Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter < 10 µm
SRM 2910b - Hydroxyapatite
SRM 2974 - Organics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue
SRM 2974a - Organics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis)
SRM 2976 - Mussel Tissue (Trace Elements & Methylmercury) Freeze-dried
SRM 2977 - Mussel Tissue (Organic Contaminants and Trace Elements)
SRM 3030 - Monomethylarsonic Acid Standard Solution
SRM 3031 - Dimethylarsinic Acid Standard Solution
SRM 3033 - Arsenobetaine Standard Solution
SRM 3034 - Arsenocholine Standard Solution
SRM 3036 - Arsenic Acid (AsV) Standard Solution
SRM 3037 - Arsenous Acid (AsIII) Standard Solution
SRM 3103a - Arsenic (As) Standard Solution - Lot No. 100818
SRM 3112a - Chromium Standard Solution
SRM 3149 - Selenium Standard Solution
SRM 3530 - Iodized Table Salt (Iodide)
SRM 3532 - Calcium-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form
SRM 363 - Chrom-Vanadium Steel (Modified)
SRM 3669 - Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine (Elevated Levels)
SRM 4409hd
SRM 4409ld
SRM 50c - Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel
SRM 607 - Potassium Feldspar
SRM 610/611 - Trace Elements in Glass
SRM 612/613 - Trace Elements in Glass
SRM 614/615 - Trace Elements in Glass
SRM 616/617 - Trace Elements in Glass
SRM 663 - Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified)
SRM 679 - Brick Clay
SRM 688 - Basalt Rock
SRM 695 - Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer
SRM 726 - Selenium, Intermediate Purity
SRM 81a - Glass Sand
SRM 83d - Arsenic Trioxide (Reductometric)
SRM 88b - Dolomitic Limestone
SRM 955c - Toxic Elements in Caprine Blood /Level 1
SRM 955c - Toxic Elements in Caprine Blood /Level 2
SRM 955c - Toxic Elements in Caprine Blood /Level 3
SRM 955c - Toxic Elements in Caprine Blood /Level 4
SRM 966 - Toxic Metals in Bovine Blood
SRM 979 - Chromium (Isotopic)
SRM 97b - Flint clay
SRM 98b - Plastic Clay
SRM 99b - Soda Feldspar
Standard Reference Material 1885b - Portland Cement


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